Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. Please read this Privacy Policy as it forms parts part of the Terms of Use which govern the use of our website.
1. Purpose of using personal information.
Prior to receiving your personal information, we have clearly indicated the purposes of using this information, and we will use it within the
boundaries of that purpose.
In addition, should we need to use your information beyond the original purposes, we will contact the person concerned, and gain approval before
its usage.
Personal information related to the customer
(1) Replies to the inquiries regarding our products
(2) Replies to the general inquiries regarding our company
(3) Opinions and evaluations for our company
Personal information related to recruitment and hiring
Recruitment/hiring, applicant provided information and contact information, and other use related to recruitment and hiring.
Personal information from nearby related parties and various organizations
contacting, consultation, analysis, negotiation, providing of information, receiving and giving of distribution materials, and correspondence.
2. Management of personal information
We will properly manage personal information that we received to avoid misuse, unauthorized access, loss, manipulation, or leakage.
In addition, we make it understood to all our officers and employees the importance of protecting personal information, and provide
training and education in proper handling of personal information.
3. Provision of personal information
Unless we received approval from the person concerned or when required by law to disclose information, or for other valid reasons, we will not give nor disclose the information to a third party.
4. Handling for disclosure and correction
When we receive requests such as contents confirmation, correction, update, deletion, etc. from the customer for personal information that we manage, we will respect the will of the person concerned and handle it within a reasonable range.
5. Applicable Laws
This privacy policy shall be govern by existing applicable laws in the Philippines, including, but not limited to Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and Republic Act No. 10175 referred to as The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
6. For inquiries
Inquiries and corrections of personal information from the person concerned are accepted at the following desk. For disclosure, correction, and suspension of use, the person concerned must undergo the necessary procedures to confirm his identity.
< For inquiries concerning this subject, please contact >
Mitsuba Philippines Technical Center Corporation
Tel : + (63) 2-840-51-87/88